Tea Workers and their Lifestyle in Srimangal, Bangladesh

tea workers

Welcome to the tea land where there are tea workers. Here you can find detailed information of tea workers in Srimangal and Sylhet division. The tea workers of our country Bangladesh can be also thought a kind of tribe. In the hilly regions of Sylhet division, they are called Kuli in Bangla language. But it is not accepted by tea workers as good call. So, we should not use Khuli. Most of the plantation workers are from different parts of India. Especially their ancestors came from Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal, Tripura, Asam etc. Also the hill tribal people and many distraught Santal families after the Santal insurgency took up tea plantation labor for self-preservation.

The tea workers are mainly Hindus but there are also a few Muslim. The life of them who lived a very inhuman life, did not get a touch of improvement. There was no spread of education. At present, government set up primary schools for the children of their community.

They have been tricked into drinking alcohol. Even though they celebrate in Puja and Holi festibal. It is for a very short period of time because of various superstitions. The pace of progress is stagnant in the life of tea workers.

A way to learn the tea workers life in Srimangal and Sylhet Division

And hence the young neglect their old age people. Although this situation has changed a little at present. Their life was more difficult before. And so, ignoring the 1921 government ban to escape life. They left on foot for his country. On their way, British soldiers fired on them. Because they boarded the steamer to cross the mighty Padma River at Chadpur to go to India.

Immediately many people fell down by gun shot. The blood of the workers flowed on Padma’s chest. Then the they did not have the courage to protest for a long time. In 1938, the tea workers reorganized and stared a spontaneous strike in the tea plantations with the aim of improving their standard living. Then they drew sympathy from the people of different communities by portraying their plight. The workers are united. The Garden authorities tried to stop this movement by various forms of intimidation. And they threats but it was not successful instead the movement continued to gain momentum.

The garden authorities realized that there was no alternative. But to not accept their demands and were forced to accept the demands of the workers though compromise negotiations. And this is how the first movement of tea workers was successful.

  • Written by Bimal Dev Barma
  • Profession: Teacher and writer
  • Source: Bangladesh Travel Guide Book
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