Monipuri tribal people and life style of Monipuri ethnic community

monipuri tribal people

Welcome to the Monipuri tribal people. In this page, you can know the details lifestyle of Monipuri tribe living in Sreemangal, Vanugach and Sylhet. Traditionally they live only in Sylhet division of Bangladesh and originally from they are from Monipuri state of India. We got the information from a book. Anthropologists declare Monipuri tribe originated from the greatest Mongolian Tibet Brommo Kuki China race. It is a guess that Monipur tribe left Monipur state in India during Burmese was in 1819 to 1926 and settled in many areas of Sylhet Division.

Mostly Monipuri tribal people lives in Moulvibazar district. Many of them live in Sreemangal & Vanugash. In this tribe, there are Muslim & Hindu classes. In Hindu Monipuri Community, you must see temples everywhere. Activities in the society are held in the center of the temple. Hindu Monipuri people follow their traditional custom.

Monipuri Ethnic People in Sreemangal, Bangladesh

Many Monipuri people are vegetarian. Very few of them eat fish & meat too. Some small living areas with houses consists of a community of Monipuri tribe. Wise person in the community become headman to lead the community. In this tribe, their is no riot and hostile activities occur due to their managed guide lines. Now-a-days they are getting educated. Their main profession is agriculture. As they live near villages, they have lands to grow rice, vegetable and fruits.

But women in this tribe are industrious. Women weave cloth with their hand loom wooden machine. As the rule of culture, every women learns weaving from the beginning of the life. Besides Monipuri tribe is famous for their music and dance. This annual musical dance program is held in every November. To visit their areas and see their life style, you can contact any local tour guide or tour operator. They will take you to the place and explain in details.

  • This information written by Bimal Deb Barma.
  • Country: Bangladesh.
  • Source: Bangla Travel Guide Book.
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