Find hotel in Chittagong which is good for your travel. You can stay in these hotels while traveling in Chittagong. Book Now, Pay to Hotel. They will contact you directly for confirmation. In this town, there are many hotels of different categories.
Shaikat Hotel in Chittagong
Hotel Shaikat is a 3 star category hotel situated near train station. You can get the train easily from this hotel.
- Single room price – 4,000 Taka. 1 bed for 1 person. Facilities: Complimentary breakfast, WiFi, attached bath with high commode, 24 hour service, help desk service.
Asian SR Hotel
It is a 3 star category hotel in Chittagong. Very good hotel close to railway station. You can stay here at comfort.
- Single room price – 4,000 Taka. 1 bed for 1 person. Facilities: Complimentary breakfast, WiFi, attached bath with high commode, 24 hour service, help desk service.
Hotel Manila
Normal class hotel for general stay. It is close to rail way station too.
- Are you planning to visit Chittagong city? If yes, there are more things to do in the city. You can find them searching on this website. Most attractions are the hills, temple, mosque, saint place, bazar, salt production, ship breaking yard, fishing station, boat repairing center, British colonial buildings and so on.